✵ teams

through the landscape
as a work team
in the Paris basin

from 8 people

Formes du paysage Fontainebleau  Marly Liens des vivants Meudon Invisible Oise  Essone En silence Loing  Sénart Pleine Lune Chevreuse Meaux Rambouillet  Chantilly  Bois-le-Roi Solstice où les chemins nous guident...

During the day or evening,

walk together in the Paris basin, encounter the natural environment,
or further afield in the massifs of France. 

The walks are a real collective moment for the work teams,

from 8 people, in all seasons.

Finding yourself in the natural environment for a few hours allows you to return to basics,
to find yourself, to disconnect.

The outing follows a theme and the discussions
are done according to the landscape throughout these walks. 

During the day lunch is at the table or in the forest
with a picnic basket made from local products
decorated with plants and berries observed along the route.

In the evening the aperitif is accompanied by drinks, natural wine etc. Walks are possible throughout the vast Parisian basin.


guide@traversees.earth +33(0)6 10 44 73 02

A breath to guide us towards a new anchor in connection with the inhabitants of life. An out-of-box encounter where everyone reveals themselves and meets others. A moment of sharing around meaning and landscapes shaped by the living.

Bassin parisien

grés - pin sylvestre - chêne sésile - pavot - cerf - hêtre - houx - orties - menthe poivrée - bruyères - genéts à balais - bouleau - lichens - cépes - sphaignes - saules - ronces - molène - sorbier des oiseleurs - fougères

Une day in the massif of Fontainebleau - Marly or Meudon

A crossing within the splendid massif of the Fontainebleau forest, its numerous paths and a unique natural environment, exchanges along the paths built with the natural environment, to open our senses and find ourselves.

🪶🪶/5 🥾🥾/5 🌤️  

12km, d+250m, 5h of walking

from 8 person

from 9h to 17h

Access by transilien (40 min from Paris) for a trip with a reduced carbon footprint.

Lunch at a table or in the forest in all seasons


on the rocks, in a picnic basket or more elaborately decorated with local products, plants and seasonal berries observed along our route.

A night in the forest
at Fontainebleau in Marly or Meudon

A night walk in the woods, sometimes aided by the Moon or lights, walking the paths in the evening multiplies our senses. A unique moment of sharing.

🪶🪶🪶/5 🥾🥾/5 🌌  

5km, d+50m, 2h30 of walking

from 8 person

from 18h to 22h

Access by transilien prefered for a trip with a reduced carbon footprint.

Apéritif in the forest


in the woods, with a basket of hors d’oeuvres accompanied by drinks (natural wine, etc.) cooked from local products.

Day trips are structured around an experience: Sensory walking, nocturnal / Shapes of the landscape and interactions with living things / Yesterday, today, tomorrow...

These themes are discussed throughout the walk. They allow everyone to inhabit the landscape, offering the opportunity to talk about their connections, their behaviors, their memories and their transformations. They enlighten us on our interdependencies, on our relationship to listening and dialogue.

The routes are unique routes and are possible throughout the Paris basin. They are designed for all levels and tailor-made for each group.

contact me  guide@traversees.earth +33(0)6 10 44 73 02

A tailor-made program is possible, from a few hours to several days, the walks are unique throughout the year “Traversées” offers walks in massifs in France, such as the Alps, the Alpilles, the calanques, the Vercors or the Cévennes, for groups small and large for all ages.
During each departure we will discuss the program in detail, accommodation, transport to departure and arrival, and how to equip yourself with the right equipment. A completely tailor-made stay is possible on request.

we walked together
the parisian basin

the program in(fr) ⟝newsletter contact me
+33(0)6 10 44 73 02